
COMA Additive Handel und Vertrieb GmbH
Gewerbepark 5a
49143 Bissendorf
Phone: 05402 407 99 61

CEO: Peter Russ
Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Osnabrück, HRB Nr. 211512
VAT-ID-No.: DE814336172

Note of liability
For the content of linked websites COMA Additive handel und Vertrieb GmbH is not responsible.

Important note
The information contained on this website corresponds to the current state of science and technology. We also refer to the product safety data sheets for the listed products, which we can send on request.

All product sales are subject to our general terms and conditions. Unless expressly stated there, COMA Additive Handel und Vertrieb GmbH assumes no warranty, guarantee or liability with regard to the products described on this website. This exclusion also includes warranties with regard to marketing opportunities and intended use of the products mentioned. The content of this website does not constitute a permit or recommendation for the use of patents.